Stop in for a Tarot Reading and/or Aura Photos! Don’t forget to register!
11-3pm Sarah Tarot Readings $40 for 20 minutes -
Sarah Gagne of Le Chat Noir Tarot will be here to offer her incomparable readings.
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11-3pm Aura Photography
11am-1pm Aura Headshots (10 mins $25)
1pm-3pm Full Body Aura Photos (30 mins $45)
The 1/2 hour session includes 8 x 10 full color read out with aura headshot picture, picture of full body aura including chakras. relaxation graph, energy level read out, emotion graph, mind & body meter, Ying and yang color chart, mind-body & spirit vibrational graph also a seven chakra craft showing current state of each chakra.
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This is a sample of the headshot ten minute session. We are able to see the stationary core color and also the surrounding situational energies such as female & male energy.